A Family Lawyer with Specialist Expertise

For a relationship and family lawyer with expert advice to guide you through all the challenges of family law, talk to Sharon Chandra today.

Whether you’re looking for guidance on relationship law, trust disputes, or estate claims, Sharon is a relationship and divorce lawyer with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Get in touch today to discuss your needs.

Photo of Sharon Chandra wearing red business suit

Acknowledged Experience in Family Law

As a recommended family and divorce lawyer, Sharon has a focused and pragmatic approach to resolving legal disputes to achieve the best outcome possible.

When dealing with issues that arise because of separation or death, it is important that you have trust and confidence in your legal advisor.

Named one of New Zealand’s leading family and relationship property lawyers, Sharon has over 10 years of experience in family law. She practices exclusively in the specialist field and is thus well-equipped to give you the advice to solve legal issues as smoothly as possible. Sharon’s experience and expertise a divorce and family lawyer ensure that trust and confidence in her practice are well earned.

Get in Touch with Sharon Chandra

If you’re going through a divorce, facing a death in the family or have any other family matter in need of legal advice, get in touch today. Sharon is well placed to guide you through any legal disputes with expertise and care. Fill out the form below to get in touch.

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